Tag Archives: SYSTEMLINK

Modeling long-term effects of contaminants on non-biting midges (Chironomidae)

Dr. Alessandro Manfrin and his team developed a model to assess the long-term effects of contaminants on non-biting midge populations. Their study showed that exposure to the biological larvicide Bti reduces larval densities and adult emergence across multiple generations.

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A synthesis of research related to aquatic-terrestrial coupling through emergence-mediated contaminant transfer

In this blogpost, Ralf Schulz talks about a recent review paper summarizing the newest literature on how anthropogenic stressors, such as pollutants, invasive species and hydromorphological changes in aquatic ecosystems affect the aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem coupling and particularly the food webs in terrestrial recipient food webs.

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Glimpse of 2022 (Part 1)

In the first part of the ‘Glimpse of the year 2022’ series, we give our readers a glance of 3 most visited posts about scientific publications in this year. 

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