Tag Archives: PhD thesis

PhD position ‘Harnessing compost microbes for new crop protection products against foliar diseases’

Universität Basel Logo

Do you want to develop new sustainable plant protection products based on microorganisms and their metabolites? The University of Basel has an open position for a 4-year PhD position to work on new crop protection products.

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Why coffee makes you alert after a heavy lunch: Mixture neurotoxicity explained through the lens of zebrafish behaviour

In this blogpost, Fola Ogungbemi talks about the effects of mixtures of neuroactive substances. Risk assessment of chemicals is usually conducted for individual chemicals whereas mixtures of chemicals occur in the environment. Considering that neuroactive chemicals are a group of contaminants that dominate the environment, it is then imperative to understand the effects of mixtures of neuroactive substances.

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PhD position in Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology at University of Valencia

The Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Valencia (Spain) is offering a PhD position to study the resilience of aquatic populations and communities to chemical and environmental stressors in Mediterranean coastal wetlands.

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