Author Archives: MS

Post-doctoral position in Aquatic Ecology at University of Minho, Portugal

The Center for Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA) at University of Minho is offering a post-doctoral research fellowship in a research and development project.

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Weed killers change the diet of freshwater snails

In this post, Marco Konschak reports on the recently published paper “Herbicide-Induced Shifts in the Periphyton Community Composition Indirectly Affect Feeding Activity and Physiology of the Gastropod Grazer Physella acuta”.

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REMINDER: Webinar on plastic pollution with a focus on informal recycling sector

The International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP) will hold a webinar tomorrow (December 2) at 2:00 PM (GMT).

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Research Assistant / PhD offer in Aquatic Ecotoxicology at the Federal Institute of Hydrology

The BfG (Federal Institute of Hydrology) is looking for a research assistant in the department of Biochemistry / Ecotoxicology in Koblenz.

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Position as Research Assistant in R programming and R Shiny apps at University of Potsdam

The Institute for Biochemistry and Biology at the University of Potsdam is looking for a research assistant in R and Shiny app programming as a part of outreach activities.

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Can clay minerals make copper oxide nanoparticles toxic?

In this blogpost by Jonas Fischer, springtails were exposed to copper oxide nanoparticles at realistic field concentrations in four soils of varying properties. Toxic effects occurred only in loamy soils and mostly at the lowest test concentrations. Reduced nanoparticle agglomeration and clay-nanoparticle interactions were considered being responsible for this observation.

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Position as Scientific Worker in Aquatic Ecotoxicology at Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main)

The Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity at Goethe University is looking for a scientific employee in the Aquatic Ecotoxicology department.

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The nematode that senses contaminants

This blogpost is a guest contribution from researchers at European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology (Wetsus) in the Netherlands. In this post, Antoine Karengera talks about their recently published paper dealing with the potential use of the nematode –  Caenorhabditis elegans –  as a test organism for detecting toxic potencies of pollutants in water sources.  

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Microbial intermediaries: bacteria induce warring fungi to team-up

In this post, Patrick Baudy reports on his recently published paper “Fungal-fungal and fungal-bacterial interactions in aquatic decomposer communities: bacteria promote fungal diversity”.

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Aquatic Biofilms—Sink or Source of Microplastics?

In this post, Gabriela Kalčikova talks about her recently published paper on microplastics being a source or sink for aquatic biofilms. Microplastics interact with aquatic biofilms, which crucially impacts the fate and behavior of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems.

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