Tag Archives: post-doc

Post-doc position to study interactions between microalgae and synthetic polymers at LUT University

The Department of Separation Science of LUT School of Engineering Science is hiring a postdoctoral researcher in the new project – MicroPoly (funded by Academy of Finland) . The project aims to investigate interactions between microalgae & synthetic polymers (e.g., microplastics). The start date is 3 October 2022 (or as agreed), and the location is LUT’s Mikkeli campus.

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Post-doc position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at SLU, Uppsala (Sweden)

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala is offering a Post-doctoral position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry. The position is in the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

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PostDoc position in Modelling Ecosystem Stability & Resilience at FU Berlin

The Theoretical Ecology group at Freie Universität (FU) Berlin is hiring a 3-year PostDoc for process-based simulation modelling of the stability and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems under disturbances and ongoing global change.

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PostDoc position in Environmental Toxicology of Plastics at NTNU

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is offering a 3-year PostDoc position in environmental toxicology for the REVEAL project: formation of small plastic particles in the environment and their bioavailability, accumulation, and impacts on aquatic species.

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