Year in Review – Part 3

In the third installment of the ‘Year in Review’ series, we present our readers a glimpse of the last lot of most visited posts in the year 2021. 

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Year in Review – Part 2

In the second installment of the ‘Year in Review’ series, we give our readers a glimpse of 3 most visited posts in the year 2021. 

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Year in Review – Part 1

In this first installment of the ‘Year in Review’ series, we would like to give our readers a glimpse of some of the best blogposts of the year 2021.

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Can clay minerals make copper oxide nanoparticles toxic?

In this blogpost by Jonas Fischer, springtails were exposed to copper oxide nanoparticles at realistic field concentrations in four soils of varying properties. Toxic effects occurred only in loamy soils and mostly at the lowest test concentrations. Reduced nanoparticle agglomeration and clay-nanoparticle interactions were considered being responsible for this observation.

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