Author Archives: MS

Copenhagen: First in-person SETAC Europe Annual meeting after 2 years

After a long wait of 2 years, the 32nd annual meeting of SETAC Europe was held in Denmark IN – PERSON! Researchers from all over the globe participated in the meeting; a handful of them from University of Koblenz – Landau. In this blogpost, Verena Gerstle, one of those representing our University at the 32nd SETAC conference recounts the group’s experience in her own words:

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Position as Postdoctoral researcher at Senckenberg Nature Research Society

The Senckenberg Nature Research Society (SGN) in cooperation with University of Duisburg – Essen is offering a postdoctoral researcher position in the field of ecology .

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Position as Scientific Employee at the Institute of Viticulture and Oenology

The Institute for Viticulture and Oenology in Neustadt an der Weinstraße is hiring a scientific employee for a research project in Viticulture.

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Food web rewiring drives long-term compositional differences and late-stressor interactions at the community level

In this blogpost, Francesco Polazzo talks about how pesticides can cause a drastic change in the organisation and strength of interactions of aquatic food webs. Particularly, after pesticide exposure, changes in the strength of trophic interactions seem to be driving long-lasting effects in community structure. When multiple pesticides act together, they modify both food web structure and interaction’s strength, causing late-stage non-additive effects between stressors. 

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2 PhD positions in Ecotoxicology at the University of Ghent

The University of Ghent in Belgium is offering 2 paid PhD positions in the field of ecotoxicology.

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Finding needles in haystacks – Detection of TiO2 nanoparticles in soil

In a recent publication from the Environmental and Soil Chemistry group, we present a method enabling us to detect anthropogenic TiO2 nanoparticles in soil despite the presence of a high natural background. The method relies of colloidal extraction and trace elements ratio using ICP-MS. 

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Emerging midges transport pesticides from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems

In this blogpost, Alex Roodt talks about how pesticides which are accumulated by emerging aquatic insects during their development can be retained after metamorphosis and may increase the dietary exposure of terrestrial insectivores.

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PhD fellowship in Applied Statistics at University of Copenhagen

The University of Cogenhagen is offering a PhD fellowship in dynamic statistical modeling of toxic effects in herbicide exposed plants. The position is expected to start on 1st October, 2022.

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Most microplastics in rocky intertidal snails stem from paint

In this blogpost, Sonja Ehlers reports how microplastic loads in rocky intertidal snails from the North Sea, Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean are consistent across space and time. The majority of the contained microplastics consisted of paint chips that likely derived from ships or maritime equipment. Such paint chips can contain toxic antifouling substances and heavy metals.

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Science for Ukraine!

The MAGIC team (Meta-Analysis of the Global Impact of Chemicals) at Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz – Landau is offering paid research stays and positions for researchers from Ukraine.

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