Tag Archives: risk assessment

AMEO experience – María José (2022)

Each year, several students of the  Environmental Pollution Management (Ecotoxicology)  Program complete an 8-week internship, the so-called “AMEO”. The AMEO is performed either at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute where students learn to apply the competences achieved during their study. Students also use this opportunity to travel and explore Germany. In this blog post, María José shares her AMEO experience in Eurofins France.

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AMEO experience – Erika Juliana Perez Manosalva (2022)

Each year, several students of the Environmental Pollution Management (Ecotoxicology) Program complete an 8-week internship, the so-called “AMEO”. The AMEO is performed either at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute where students learn to apply the competences achieved during their study. Students also use this opportunity to travel and explore Germany. In this blogpost, Erika Juliana Perez Manosalva shares her AMEO experience in Bayer AG Crop Science, Frankfurt am Main.

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Year in Review – Part 1

In this first installment of the ‘Year in Review’ series, we would like to give our readers a glimpse of some of the best blogposts of the year 2021.

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Pesticides rarely come alone

In their latest publication, scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research quantified the relevance of pesticide mixtures using monitoring data from pesticide application schemes and Germany-wide stream samplings. The research concluded that environmental risk assessment of pesticides requires refinements.

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25. Jahrestagung SETAC GLB: Umwelt 2021: Anthropogene Stoffe in einer sich ändernden Welt – Bewertung auf dem Prüfstand der Realität

Die 25. Jahrestagung der SETAC GLB findet vom 7.9 – 8.9 virtuell statt mit dem Leitthema “Anthropogene Stoffe in einer sich ändernden Welt – Bewertung auf dem Prüfstand der Realität”.

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Chemical Monitoring Scheme for Surface Water Bodies in The Gambia

Lamin Jaiteh talks about his MSc thesis in which he planned and organized a national surface water monitoring scheme for his home country The Gambia, West Africa, where it is intended to be implemented to improve water quality and protect natural resources.

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