The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is searching for a post-doc in aquatic ecotoxicology contributing to the science in the IMPROVE-project that aims for an improved ecological risk assessment of pesticide mixtures in water. Continue reading
Tag Archives: pesticide
Amphibians and pesticides – what research do we need?

Carsten Brühl informs about their recent paper “Amphibians and Plant-Protection Products – What Research and Action Is Needed?”
New theses in the team Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology

In this post, the team Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology offers three new thesis topics.
Neglected Risks – Erosion Rills Compromise Regulatory Pesticide Exposure Assessment

In this post, Sebastian Stehle informs about their recent paper “Erosion rills offset the efficacy of vegetated buffer strips to mitigate pesticide exposure in surface waters“.
Job at Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) offers a job dealing with the environmental fate of plant protection products. Continue reading
What are you working on? Part II: Working group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology”

In this new series of posts, research teams/groups of Landau’s Institute of Environmental Sciences introduce their Ecotoxicology-related research. This time: the group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” Continue reading
Theses in the groups of Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Analysis

In this post, the working groups Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Analysis jointly offer three thesis topics related to Transylvanian pesticide use. Continue reading
pH triggers the fate of some pesticides – but which pH is relevant for Europe?

In this post, Mirco Bundschuh talks about a recent paper that uncovers the pH-range relevant for surface waters that receive pesticide input in Europe.
Research Project course (RPC) or Master thesis in the research group „Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology”

In this post, the research group „Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology” offers several topics for RPCs and Master theses. Continue reading
The aquatic-terrestrial model ecosystem – a possibility to integrate riparian food webs in stream mesocosm testing

In this post, Matthias Wieczorek informs about their recent paper on the use of an aquatic-terrestrial model ecosystem to study cross-ecosystem effects of contaminants. Continue reading