In this second and final installment of the ‘Highlights of 2023’ series, we give our readers a glance of another 3 most visited posts in this year.
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Exploring Australia’s Mangroves: A Research Journey
In this blogpost, Emma Yenney talks about her interesting journey from Germany to Australia in pursuit of understanding plastic contamination in mangrove ecosystems. Her quest led her to the University of Queensland’s – Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS), where she joined Professor Kevin Thomas and his lab. The post details her experiences, including securing a scholarship, navigating the rental market, and the rigorous process of conducting fieldwork and lab analysis. Ultimately, the post underscores the transformative power of international research experiences and the opportunities for personal and academic growth that can arise from venturing beyond one’s home.
Continue readingSeveral master theses in the DFG Research Training Group SystemLink
The Research Training Group SystemLink at University of Koblenz-Landau, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), currently offers several master theses.
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We are offering a master thesis investigating ecotoxicological responses of aquatic invertebrates to wastewater treated with different technologies.
Master thesis opportunity on fungicide effects on leaf decomposition
Is the effect of fungicides on leaf decomposition dependent on substrate properties? Uncover relevant processes and mechanisms in a master thesis with us.
Master Thesis Opportunity on Pesticides & Microplastics in Surface Waters around Landau
The Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station (EERES) offers a master thesis on the topic “Pesticides and Microplastics in Surface Waters around Landau” to students of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences.
Thesis opportunities
The working group Quantitative Landscape Ecology offers projects dealing with environmental analytics. Continue reading
Master thesis in the team „Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology”
In this post, the team „Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology” advertises a new Master thesis.