Author Archives: Ve

PhD position in ecosystem analysis at Uni Koblenz-Landau

We are looking for a PhD student in ecosystem analysis to evaluate habitat quality, ecosystem services and the impact of chemical stressors in streams and rivers, based at our Eußerthal research facility and campus Landau.

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Tenure Track position in Data Science for Water Research at Eawag

The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) is hiring a Tenure Track group leader in data science for water research.

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SERIOR public lecture on chemical mixtures & their risks for humans and environment on July 3rd

The German/French Graduate Academy “Security-Risk-Orientation” (SERIOR) is hosting a public lecture on chemical mixtures and their risks for humans and the environment at Campus Landau on July 3rd, 2018.

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Bachelor thesis or RPC opportunity: Do fungicides negatively affect the crayfish plague?

We are offering a Bachelor thesis or research project course (RPC) to investigate fungicide effects on different life stages of the crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci.

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PhD opportunity in community ecology and pollution effects

The Environmental Ecosystem Ecology Lab at University of Namur, Belgium, offers a PhD position in community ecology to examine the effects of global change (temperature and pollution) on coexistence in competitive phytoplankton communities.

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Thesis/RPC opportunity on herbicide toxicity to diatoms

Our group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” offers a thesis or research project course (RPC) to determine the response of diatoms to herbicides using toxicity tests.

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Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of mosquito control: the European perspective!

In this post, Stefanie Allgeier and Carsten Brühl report about their recently organized workshop on impacts of mosquito control using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), which was part of our project “Establishment of a nature conservation-compatible concept for mosquito control”, funded by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU).

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Master thesis opportunity in Invertebrate Ecotoxicology

We are offering a master thesis investigating ecotoxicological responses of aquatic invertebrates to wastewater treated with different technologies.

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PhD position on eDNA biomonitoring of freshwater ecosystems

Four french environmental research laboratories jointly offer a PhD position on the use of passive eDNA sensors to monitor the biological communities of intermittent rivers and groundwaters.

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Master thesis opportunity on fungicide effects on leaf decomposition

Is the effect of fungicides on leaf decomposition dependent on substrate properties? Uncover relevant processes and mechanisms in a master thesis with us.

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