Author Archives: Ve

Free IIES Graduate Student Online Seminar Series on Environmental Topics

The International Institute for Environmental Studies (IIES) and the Trent University Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate Program offer the free “International Graduate Student Online Seminar Series” on environmental science topics running every other week from May 15, 2019 until July 31, 2019.

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PostDoc in theoretical community ecology at University of Namur

University of Namur in Belgium is offering a PostDoc position in theoretical community ecology.

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MSc thesis on mercury contamination in arctic fox at Fraunhofer IME

The Fraunhofer IME and the German Federal Environment Agency jointly offer a MSc thesis on mercury contamination in arctic fox.

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Overlooked but decisive: a review on fungicide risks in aquatic systems

In this post, Jochen Zubrod reports on their recently published paper “Fungicides – an overlooked pesticide class?”.

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12 PhD positions in Environmental Sciences at Uni Koblenz-Landau

We are offering 12 PhD positions to assess aquatic-terrestrial interfaces under anthropogenic stress as part of the research training group “SystemLink” based at Campus Landau.

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Closing the gap between intention and reality in pesticide risk assessment

In this post, Ralf B. Schäfer talks about their recently published policy paper in which they suggest a new framework for pesticide authorization that meets the goal of protecting biodiversity.

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PhD opportunity in Aquatic Ecology at Uni Koblenz-Landau

The Institute for Environmental Sciences at Campus Landau is looking for a PhD student in aquatic ecology for a project on the impact of salinization on desert rivers.

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1-year position in Ecological Modelling at Ghent University

The Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology at Ghent University is offering a 1-year project on population models to improve ecological risk assessment of nickel.

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PostDoc position in terrestrial/freshwater ecology at Senckenberg

The Senckenberg Nature Research Society is looking for a PostDoc researcher in terrestrial or freshwater ecology in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

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Associate Professor position in Water Quality Science at Coventry University

Coventry University in UK is hiring an associate professor in water quality science within its Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience.

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