Tag Archives: pesticides

Pesticides rarely come alone

In their latest publication, scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research quantified the relevance of pesticide mixtures using monitoring data from pesticide application schemes and Germany-wide stream samplings. The research concluded that environmental risk assessment of pesticides requires refinements.

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Chemical Monitoring Scheme for Surface Water Bodies in The Gambia

Lamin Jaiteh talks about his MSc thesis in which he planned and organized a national surface water monitoring scheme for his home country The Gambia, West Africa, where it is intended to be implemented to improve water quality and protect natural resources.

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Pesticides threaten vulnerable invertebrates in streams

In this post, Matthias Liess (UFZ) and Verena Schreiner share the highlights of their recently published paper entitled “Pesticides are the dominant stressors for vulnerable insects in lowland streams”.

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Plants and invertebrates face increasing applied pesticide toxicity

Increased efficacy of pesticides comes along with decreased applied amounts in agriculture – but does this translate to lower risks to non-target species? The answer is NO, if you ask scientists at the University of Koblenz-Landau who recently published a study in Science assessing changes in the use of 381 pesticides and toxicity to eight non-target species groups over the course of 25 years. In our blog, the authors explain the shifts in applied pesticide toxicity they found, and which species are increasingly at risk.

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Water Quality in European Surface Waters – A Spatial Complex (Part 3)

Jakob Wolfram talks about how water quality in Europe is affected by spatial factors and how they contribute to quality impairments for different organism groups. His research on “Water Quality and Ecological Risks in European Surface Waters – Monitoring Improves While Water Quality Decreases” is published in Environment International.

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Amphibians are at risk from pesticides in agricultural landscapes

In this post, Christoph Leeb and Elena Adams summarize three new papers on the effects of pesticides on amphibians, which will inform ongoing developments of pesticide testing and environmental risk assessment strategies in the European Union.

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