Tag Archives: ecotoxicology

MSc thesis opportunity on method development and subsidy quality of stressed systems

We offer a master thesis at the University of Koblenz-Landau (Campus Landau) to develop a method determining multiple energy reserves in one insect sample. It will be used as tool to investigate changes in the subsidy quality of stressed systems.

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PhD Online Course on Adverse Outcome Pathways in Environmental Toxicology

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is offering an online course for PhD students on the practical applications, methods, and challenges of adverse outcome pathways in environmental toxicology, from December 7-11, 2020.

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Spotlight on Students in Ecotox: Linda R. Lara-Jacobo

This blog series showcases student research and experiences in the field of ecotoxicology around the world. Today, meet Linda R. Lara-Jacobo from the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Canada, specializing in endocrine disruptors and ecotoxicogenomics.

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2 PhD positions in Bioanalytical and Mechanistic Ecotoxicology at Masaryk University

The RECETOX Centre of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic offers two PhD positions in bioanalytical and mechanistic environmental toxicology within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network “Best chemical risk assessment professionals for maximum Ecosystem Services benefit (PRORISK)”.

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2 PhD positions in Bioanalytical and Mechanistic Ecotoxicology at Masaryk University

The RECETOX Centre of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic offers two PhD positions in bioanalytical and mechanistic environmental toxicology within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network “Best chemical risk assessment professionals for maximum Ecosystem Services benefit (PRORISK)”.

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