Tag Archives: ecotoxicology

Save the date: SystemLink virtual conference on aquatic-terrestrial linkages on January 28 & 29

The SystemLink graduate school at the University of Koblenz Landau, Institute of Environmental Sciences (iES), will host a free virtual research workshop on the topic of anthropogenic alterations of aquatic-terrestrial linkages.

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Contract position as 3-month laboratory assistant in toxicology at Uni Landau (HiWi)

We are hiring a laboratory assistant for the ETX5 module (Principles of Toxicology). We are looking for a higher-semester ecotoxicologist based in Landau with a solid background in experimental ecotoxicology and good or very good final grade in the above-mentioned module.

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PHOTOPUR Online-Symposium: 2 Days of Ecotoxicology, Wastewater & Green Technologies

The PHOTOPUR project is inviting you to a free scientific symposium on the treatment and evaluation of pesticide-contaminated wastewater using green technologies, hosted online on Zoom on December 9 and 10, 2020.

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