Tag Archives: aquatic ecosystems

Water Quality in European Surface Waters – A Risky Situation (Part 2)

Jakob Wolfram talks about how water quality in Europe changed over time for different species groups and identifies the actors responsible for the deteriorated water quality. His research on “Water Quality and Ecological Risks in European Surface Waters – Monitoring Improves While Water Quality Decreases” is published in Environment International.

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Water Quality in European Surface Waters – Finding stories in big data (Part 1)

Jakob Wolfram talks about analyzing a large monitoring dataset to understand how water quality in Europe changed over time, how these trends affect different species groups, and which factors contribute to deteriorated water quality. His research on “Water Quality and Ecological Risks in European Surface Waters – Monitoring Improves While Water Quality Decreases” is published in Environment International.

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New online lecture on “Mechanisms underlying biodiversity patterns in river-like dendritic networks”

The Quantitative Landscape Ecology Group and the Graduate School SystemLink from the University of Koblenz-Landau would like to invite you to an online lecture by Dr. Isabelle Gounand (Institut d’Écologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris (iEES-Paris); Sorbonne Université) on 28 October 2020.

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SETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 3)

Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Ralf. B. Schäfer, Alexander Feckler, and Eric Bollinger have planned for the conference.

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