Category Archives: Cultural

RECETOX Summer School 2024 and PARC Training

Would you like to learn more on chemical exposure and modelling?

Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) is offering a Training Course on Chemical Exposure & Modeling from the 10th to 12th of June 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic.

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Glimpse of 2022 (Part 2)

In this second installment of the ‘Glimpse of the year 2022’ series, we give our readers a glance of another 3 most visited posts in this year. 

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Season’s Greetings from EcotoxBlog!

On the occasion of this festive season, the blogteam of EcotoxBlog and the Institute of Environmental Sciences (iES) at the University of Koblenz – Landau (soon to be the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University, RPTU) wishes its readers and blog contributors a merry Christmas and holiday celebrations full of fun, surprises, and magic!

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Copenhagen: First in-person SETAC Europe Annual meeting after 2 years

After a long wait of 2 years, the 32nd annual meeting of SETAC Europe was held in Denmark IN – PERSON! Researchers from all over the globe participated in the meeting; a handful of them from University of Koblenz – Landau. In this blogpost, Verena Gerstle, one of those representing our University at the 32nd SETAC conference recounts the group’s experience in her own words:

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