In this post, Marco Konschak writes about their recently published paper “Waterborne and diet-related effects of inorganic and organic fungicides on the insect leaf shredder Chaetopteryx villosa (Trichoptera)”.
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After over 20 years of commercial use of GM crops, the impact on aquatic environments is insufficiently investigated
In this post, Antonia Pott talks about their recently published paper “Impact of genetically modified organisms on aquatic environments: Review of available data for the risk assessment”.
Continue readingInsecticides threaten U.S. surface waters
In this post, Jakob Wolfram talks about their recently published paper “Meta-analysis of Insecticides in U.S. Surface Waters: Status and Future Implications”.
Continue readingSurprisingly, systemic fungicide treatment enhances litter quality for aquatic detritivores
In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “The evil within? Systemic fungicide application in trees enhances litter quality for an aquatic decomposer-detritivore system”.
About sun, water and toxic leaves…
In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “UV-irradiation and leaching in water reduce the toxicity of imidacloprid-contaminated leaves for the aquatic leaf-shredding amphipod Gammarus fossarum“.
Nanoparticles in the environment – Lessons learned today?
In this post, Simon Lüderwald talks about their recently accepted literature review “Nanoparticles in the environment – where do we come from, where do we go to?”.
Waterborne or dietary neonicotinoid expsoure – is there a lesser of two evils?
In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “Relative importance of dietary uptake and waterborne exposure for a leaf-shredding amphipod exposed to thiacloprid-contaminated leaves”.
At the pulse of time: transient effects may obscure biological effect monitoring
In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “Transient effects following peak exposures towards pesticides – an explanation for the unresponsiveness of in situ measured functional variables”.
Exposure history-dependent effects on ecosystem functioning in streams
In this post, Alexander Feckler talks about their recently published paper “History matters: heterotrophic microbial community structure and function adapt to multiple stressors”.
Stress exposure history determines response to new stressor
In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “History matters: pre-exposure to wastewater enhances pesticide toxicity in invertebrates”.