Tag Archives: research position

Research Assistant PFAS specialist

Thünen Institute Logo

The Institute of Fisheries Ecology of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests and Fisheries, at the Bremerhaven site is seeking to recruit a Research Assistant PFAS specialist for collaboration in the third-party funded project „PFAS Pattern – Contamination of Fish with Fluorinated Compounds from the River to the Sea“.

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Vacancy: Environmental Modeller and Data Scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen

University Duisburg Essen logo

As part of the Research Alliance Ruhr, the Research Center One Health Ruhr at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) on the Essen Campus, Department of Ecotoxicology, is looking for a researcher as Environmental Modeller and Data Scientist

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