Tag Archives: conservation

3 PostDoc & 1 Technician positions in Aquatic Ecology & Evolution at Uni Bern

The Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Bern is hiring three PostDocs and one technician for a freshwater conservation biology project, including fish ecology, ecological niche modelling, and aquatic conservation.

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InsectExpo: What are the risks of agricultural pesticides to insects?

With observations of declining insects in agricultural landscapes, research is focusing on figuring out the role of potential stressors, such as structural homogeneity, fertilizer and pesticide inputs. In this blog, Carolina Honert explains how their project “InsectExpo” can fill these knowledge gaps.

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Documentary on insect decline in German agricultural landscapes and the role of agriculture

The German television shot a documentary on the observation of declining insects in Germany, and the science behind it. The film features researchers involved in a recent study entitled “More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas”.

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Bti on TV: Documentary showcases current research on the insecticide used for mosquito control – now with German & English subtitles!

The documentary made by a Canadian team is the first of its kind that summarises the ecological impact of Bti use in mosquito control and also reflects on associated costs and benefits for the people. The video is now available on YouTube with subtitles of any language, so that everyone can watch and understand it.

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What are the environmental and socioeconomic effects of using Bti for mosquito control?

In this blog, Carsten Brühl and his co-authors are introducing a review paper on the environmental and socioeconomic effects of mosquito control in Europe using the biocide Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) that is an outcome of a workshop held in Landau.

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