Tag Archives: aquatic ecosystem

Aquatic Biofilms—Sink or Source of Microplastics?

In this post, Gabriela Kalčikova talks about her recently published paper on microplastics being a source or sink for aquatic biofilms. Microplastics interact with aquatic biofilms, which crucially impacts the fate and behavior of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems.

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Post-doc position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at SLU, Uppsala (Sweden)

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala is offering a Post-doctoral position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry. The position is in the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

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Position as Project Manager in Integrated River Basin Management and Ecology

Emscher Genossenschaft Lippe Verband (EGLV) is looking for a Project Manager in Integrated River Basin Management and Ecology. The position, as part of the EU-funded MERLIN project, is in the department of river and landscape in Essen (Germany).

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Pesticides rarely come alone

In their latest publication, scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research quantified the relevance of pesticide mixtures using monitoring data from pesticide application schemes and Germany-wide stream samplings. The research concluded that environmental risk assessment of pesticides requires refinements.

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PhD position in Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology at University of Valencia

The Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Valencia (Spain) is offering a PhD position to study the resilience of aquatic populations and communities to chemical and environmental stressors in Mediterranean coastal wetlands.

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Chemical Monitoring Scheme for Surface Water Bodies in The Gambia

Lamin Jaiteh talks about his MSc thesis in which he planned and organized a national surface water monitoring scheme for his home country The Gambia, West Africa, where it is intended to be implemented to improve water quality and protect natural resources.

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3 PostDoc & 1 Technician positions in Aquatic Ecology & Evolution at Uni Bern

The Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Bern is hiring three PostDocs and one technician for a freshwater conservation biology project, including fish ecology, ecological niche modelling, and aquatic conservation.

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