Tag Archives: anthropogenic

Save the date: SystemLink virtual conference on aquatic-terrestrial linkages on January 28 & 29

The SystemLink graduate school at the University of Koblenz Landau, Institute of Environmental Sciences (iES), will host a free virtual research workshop on the topic of anthropogenic alterations of aquatic-terrestrial linkages.

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PostDoc position in Environmental Science at Uni Koblenz-Landau

We are looking for a PostDoc researcher to join our Working Group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” which investigates the effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors on river ecosystems, particularly invertebrates, microorganisms and ecosystem processes.

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SystemLink – a new large multidisciplinary and multiyear project on aquatic-terrestrial interfaces and anthropogenic stress

SystemLink logo

The champagne glasses have not yet been cleaned and the headaches are slowly about to vanish as we realise that we managed to get funding for a new large project starting in October 2019 in Landau!

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