The Research Training Group SystemLink at University of Koblenz-Landau, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), currently offers several master theses.

SystemLink is located at the Institute for Environmental Sciences in Landau and investigates bottom-up and top-down mediated interactions in terrestrial ecosystems, which propagate from aquatic environments as a result of their exposure to anthropogenic stress. The 12 doctoral researchers in SystemLink either conduct experiments in unique aquatic-terrestrial mesocosm facilities combined with laboratory and field research, or develop and apply process-based environmental models.
We are looking for highly motivated master students who would like to take the opportunity to work on a very current and interdisciplinary topic.
On our homepage you will find further information and the currently available master theses including contact persons. We currently offer a thesis on effects of stream pollution on insect emergence and/or spider communities; and on the potential bioaccumulation of insecticides in aquatic insects.
Further master theses will be announced regularly, so check in often!