We are offering a research internship (Research Project Course) to compare the sensitivity of daphnids towards different fungicide formulations with the same active ingredient.
In the European Union, the authorizations of both active ingredients as well as formulations are required. The active ingredients need to be authorized by the European Food Safety Authority before the pesticide formulation can be authorized at national level. However, several studies have demonstrated that additional ingredients in pesticide formulations may influence the toxicity.
In acute toxicity tests with juvenile frogs, we found sensitivity differences for viticultural fungicides with the same amount of active ingredient but different additives, suggesting that the toxicity highly depends on additive ingredients in the formulation.

In this project, the candidate will conduct standard acute toxicity Daphnia tests to compare the sensitivity towards different fungicide formulations with the same active ingredient. These data will then be compared to the results of the previously performed amphibian toxicity tests.
Interested candidates should have some experience in the laboratory. The practical part of the project can start right away and latest in February 2020.
In case of interest or questions, please contact Elena Adams (adams@uni-landau.de) or Carsten Brühl (bruehl@uni-landau.de).