InsectExpo: What are the risks of agricultural pesticides to insects?

With observations of declining insects in agricultural landscapes, research is focusing on figuring out the role of potential stressors, such as structural homogeneity, fertilizer and pesticide inputs. In this blog, Carolina Honert explains how their project “InsectExpo” can fill these knowledge gaps.

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PhD Online Course on Adverse Outcome Pathways in Environmental Toxicology

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is offering an online course for PhD students on the practical applications, methods, and challenges of adverse outcome pathways in environmental toxicology, from December 7-11, 2020.

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MAGIC Research Project – Programming towards risk assessment

Environmental risk assessment only goes as far as data availability allows it. In this post, ecotoxicology student Larissa Herrmann shares her research project in the MAGIC working group at Uni Koblenz-Landau. She gained insight into programming in Python and R with the goal to make ecotoxicological data readily available for meta-analyses and risk assessments. Ultimately, a tool is developed that is applicable to a broad spectrum of pesticide registration reports.

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Documentary on insect decline in German agricultural landscapes and the role of agriculture

The German television shot a documentary on the observation of declining insects in Germany, and the science behind it. The film features researchers involved in a recent study entitled “More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas”.

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Standartox – Standardizing Toxicity Data

In this post, Andreas Scharmüller introduces Standartox, a tool that continuously incorporates the ever-growing number of ecotoxicity test results in an automated process workflow. It provides single aggregated data points for a specific chemical-organism test combination that represents the toxicity of a chemical. These values can be used for the derivation of toxic units (TU) or species sensitivity distributions (SSD).

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Spotlight on Students in Ecotox: Linda R. Lara-Jacobo

This blog series showcases student research and experiences in the field of ecotoxicology around the world. Today, meet Linda R. Lara-Jacobo from the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Canada, specializing in endocrine disruptors and ecotoxicogenomics.

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