Looking back #1

In this series of posts, alumni share their experiences gathered during their time in Landau. Today: Waleed Mansour.

Waleed in his office

Waleed in his office

“This programme couples both theory and practice in a domain that is rarely taught in universities around Europe. The programme has done a serious upgrade to my knowledge in the field of ecology, society in relation to pollutants and other anthropological impacts. In fact it came very balanced and concrete in terms of what it provides in the field of Ecotoxicology.

The university has also been very helpful in identifying accommodation and moving to Germany, this was essential specially if you don`t speak the language. Last but not least the programme being taught in English has made life much easier.

I strongly encourage students from various disciplines and backgrounds to apply, be it you are medical school graduate or a natural science school graduate. This programme will make you just distinguished in a world with growing environmental concerns.”

Waleed is currently working as a Programme officer at the Swedish institute Alexandria. His work their is to promote understanding and knowledge exchange between Europe and the Middle East in various areas including water, climate, governance and human rights.