Author Archives: Ve

2-year position in Environmental Chemistry at BfG

The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is hiring a head advisor in environmental chemistry focusing on riversheds and water monitoring for the European project DANUBIUS-RI.

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PhD position on model development at UFZ Leipzig

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers a PhD position on model development to predict combined effects of toxicants and environmental stressors within the Department of System Ecotoxicology.

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Meet & Greet with local businesses for international students

Get to know companies and ways of entering the job market in the Rhine Neckar Area at the event “University and economy – together for the region” in Worms on 5th of April.

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Session on Aquatic Ecotoxicology at 33rd DGL Conference

This year’s conference of the German Association for Limnology (DGL), which will be held in Cottbus from 25th to 29th of September, 2017, will again feature a session on aquatic ecotoxicology.

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Full Professor position at RWTH Aachen

RWTH Aachen is currently offering a Full Professor (W2) position in Chemodynamics and Environmental Toxicology of Bio- and Geomaterials.

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Impact of combined chemical stress on trophic interactions

In this post, Mirco Bundschuh highlights the results of his recent paper “Interactive effects of an insecticide and a fungicide on different organism groups and ecosystem functioning in a stream detrital food web”.

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PhD position on nanoparticle characterization at UFZ Leipzig

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers a PhD position on nanoparticle characterization in complex media within the Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry.

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Unexpected effects of antibiotics on leaf shredding detritivores

In this post, Mirco Bundschuh highlights the results of their recent paper “Antibiotic mixture effects on growth of the leaf-shredding stream detritivore Gammarus fossarum”.

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16 positions in environmental forensics at Örebro University

The Environmental Forensic Laboratory (EnForce) of Örebro University (Sweden) is recruiting 16 environmental researchers. Available positions (8 Postdocs, 5 PhDs, 2 laboratory technicians, 1 data manager) cover research efforts aiming towards a non-toxic environment.

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Get to know the MSc Ecotoxicology program!

How to apply? Research fields? Career prospects? And where is Landau? Join the Webinar on 20th March and find out more about the international, English-taught MSc Ecotoxicology, and studying at the University of Koblenz-Landau.

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