Author Archives: Ve

PhD position in Environmental Chemistry at Umeå University

Umeå University, Sweden, is offering a PhD position in environmental chemistry with focus on toxicokinetic modeling.

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PostDoc position in Analytical Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University

The Department of Applied Environmental Science at Stockholm University is offering a PostDoc position in Analytical Environmental Chemistry to study bioaccumulation of essential oils in fish.

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Escaping German winter: A warm visit in Mexico & exciting research options

Mirco Bundschuh shares his experiences after coming back from an interesting visit at a field office of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) as well as the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) in Yucatan, Mexico.

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PhD position on detection & removal of aquatic xenobiotics

The Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research jointly offer a PhD position on detection of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other xenobiotics and their removal from surface waters, located in Leipzig.

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European Commission Journal features our neonicotinoid paper

The European Commission Journal “Science for Environmental Policy” is reporting on our published paper “Does waterborne exposure explain effects caused by neonicotinoid-contaminated plant material in aquatic systems?”.

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Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 6

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 6 is all about his guest lecture in the “Tropical Ecotoxicology” masters program at National University of Costa Rica.

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Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 5

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 5 is all about air sampling in a cloud forest to detect persistent pesticides travelling to remote areas.

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PostDoc position in Computational Aquatic Data Science at Eawag

The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) is hiring a PostDoc for development of a parallel uncertainty quantification framework to advance high performance scientific computing in water research.

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Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 4

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 4 is all about his visit of the Laguna de Madre Dios, where researchers sample water and fish to analyse for pesticide residues originating from upstream banana and pineapple plantations.

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About sun, water and toxic leaves…

In this post, we talk about our recently published paper “UV-irradiation and leaching in water reduce the toxicity of imidacloprid-contaminated leaves for the aquatic leaf-shredding amphipod Gammarus fossarum“.

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