Author Archives: Ve

PostDoc position in Environmental Geochemistry in Mexico

The Marine Resources Department of the Center of Research and Advanced Studies in Merida, Mexico, is looking for a PostDoc in Petroleum Hydrocarbons Environmental Geochemistry.

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Master Thesis Opportunity on Pesticides & Microplastics in Surface Waters around Landau

The Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station (EERES) offers a master thesis on the topic “Pesticides and Microplastics in Surface Waters around Landau” to students of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences.

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On the insignificance of significance

In this post, Alexander Feckler talks about their recently published paper “When significance becomes insignificant: effect sizes and their uncertainties in Bayesian and frequentist frameworks as an alternative approach when analyzing ecotoxicological data”.

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Bachelor/Master thesis opportunity in Invertebrate Ecotoxicology

Are sublethal responses of individual shredding invertebrates indicative for changes in ecosystem function? Investigate this question in a bachelor or master thesis using “in situ” bioassays in streams within the vicinity of Landau.

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Webinar “Start your Environmental Science Career in Germany!” on May 7

DAAD USA is hosting a webinar about international Environmental Science BSc and MSc programs taught in English at the Hochschule Trier and the University of Koblenz-Landau on May 7, 1 – 1:30 pm EDT.

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PostDoc position in Aquatic Ecotoxicology at Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe University Frankfurt is hiring a PostDoc in Aquatic Ecotoxicology within its Faculty of Biological Sciences, Department Aquatic Ecotoxicology.

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Free E-Course: Water Pollution Mitigation & Aquatic Remediation

The International Institute for Environmental Studies offers a free e-course entitled “Water Pollution Mitigation and Aquatic Remediation”, running every Wednesday from April 11 to June 20.

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Assistant Professor position in Ecotoxicology at Stockholm University

Stockholm University is hiring an Assistant Professor in Ecotoxicology, specializing in regulatory decision-making, within its Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Exposure & Effects Unit.

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PostDoc position in Computational Toxicology at NIVA

The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is hiring a PostDoc as database developer and data scientist in computational toxicology in its section “Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment”.

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10 PostDoc positions at University of Cyprus

University of Cyprus in Nicosia is offering 10 advanced PostDoc fellowships for which researchers can submit their own proposals, for example to the Laboratory of Environmental Engineering.

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