Author Archives: Ve

Assistant Professor positions in Environmental Science at University of Canberra

The School of Science at University of Canberra, Australia, is looking for Assistant Professors in various environmental disciplines such as quantitative ecology, analytical chemistry and catchment science to join their teaching and research team.

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Workshop on DOM characterization: a hike through fluorescence landscapes

In this post, Patrick Baudy reports on his visit at a workshop for the characterization of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (DOM) at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen.

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Junior Professor position in Landscape Ecology at Uni Potsdam

The Department of Earth and Environmental Science in the Faculty of Science at the University of Potsdam is offering a Junior Professor position with tenure track in Landscape Ecology.

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BSc Thesis/RPC/AMEO opportunity to develop a label for eco-friendly viticulture

The Institute for Environmental Sciences in Landau and nEcoTox are jointly looking for a student to develop a “viticulture verte” eco-label in the scope of a Bachelor thesis, research project course (RPC) or Applied Module at External Organizations (AMEO).

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Predicting mixture toxicity of pesticides – concentration addition is often protective

In this post, Mirco Bundschuh talks about their recent publication “Assessing the effects of field-relevant pesticide mixtures for their compliance with the concentration addition model – an experimental approach with Daphnia magna”.

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PostDoc opportunity on salinization effects & life cycle assessment in Catalonia

In the scope of a PostDoc call in Catalonia, there is an opportunity on integrating biodiversity and ecosystem health into life-cycle assessment using freshwater salinization as a case study, jointly offered by researchers at University of Barcelona and University of Vic.

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A visit at the 4th Annual IIES Science and Policy Workshop in Edinburgh – lots of science and a “wee bit” whiskey

In this post, Verena Sesin shares her experiences at the 4th Annual IIES Science and Policy Workshop in Edinburgh from 1-3 July 2018, co-hosted by University of Edinburgh and the International Institute for Environmental Studies (IIES).

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Scientist position in Aquatic Chemistry and Ecotoxicology in Scotland

A job is available as Senior Specialist Scientist in aquatic chemistry and ecotoxicology in Stirling, Scotland.

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Riverine ecosystems under threat – new open access book features a chapter on ecotoxicology by authors from Landau

In this post, Ralf B. Schäfer talks about their recently published book chapter “Ecotoxicology” in the open access book “Riverine Ecosystem Management”.

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PostDoc opportunity in Ecotoxicology at IMDEA Water Institute in Spain

A talent attraction grant has been opened from the Community of Madrid for researchers interested in a 4-year PostDoc at a University or research center in Madrid, including the Ecotoxicology group of the IMDEA Water Institute.

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