Author Archives: Ve

Landau students visit the 8th Annual SETAC YES Meeting

Sebastian Pietz reports about this year’s SETAC YES Meeting (= Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’s Young Environmental Scientists Meeting), which was held in Ghent, Belgium, from February 5-10, 2019.

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PostDoc position on Molecular Community Ecotoxicology at Eawag

The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) is hiring a PostDoc in Molecular Community Ecotoxicology for research on aquatic biofilms.

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22 PhD positions in microplastics research at University of Bayreuth

The University of Bayreuth is offering 22 PhD positions in microplastics research to look at biological effects, environmental behaviour and migration, and degradation mechanisms and solutions.

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Theses on the relevance of biodiversity to function relationships in heterotrophic aquatic systems under stress

Interested in the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functions under stress and looking for an internship, research project, BSc or MSc thesis? Join us!

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PhD opportunity in Regulatory Ecotoxicology at Stockholm University

Stockholm University is hiring a PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on Regulatory Ecotoxicology within its Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry.

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2-year PostDoc Fellowship at Eawag

The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) is accepting proposals for a 2-year PostDoc Fellowship to conduct research in the area of aquatic science and technology in one of their 12 research departments.

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SystemLink – a new large multidisciplinary and multiyear project on aquatic-terrestrial interfaces and anthropogenic stress

The champagne glasses have not yet been cleaned and the headaches are slowly about to vanish as we realise that we managed to get funding for a new large project starting in October 2019 in Landau!

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Visiting Argentina – the land of beef and mate tea

Alexander Feckler shares his experience during his visit at the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP) and the Universidad de Córdoba (UCO) in Argentina, as part of an internationalization project of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

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2 job offers for Regulatory Ecotoxicologists at tier3 solutions

The research organization tier3 solutions is hiring a Junior Regulatory Ecotoxicologist and an Experienced Regulatory Ecotoxicologist for their regulatory affairs team in Leverkusen.

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MSc thesis opportunity: Insects on the decline – catastrophe ahead?

We are offering a MSc thesis on insect decline in our Working Group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” of University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus.

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