Author Archives: Ve

2 PhD positions in Ecology at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand

The Tonkin Lab at University of Canterbury, New Zealand, is looking for two PhD students in quantitative population and community ecology.

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Metabarcoding reveals effects of mosquito control actions on chironomid species richness

In this post, Nina Röder reports on their recently published paper “Mosquito control actions affect chironomid diversity in temporary wetlands of the Upper Rhine Valley”.

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Scientist or PhD position in Ecotoxicology at Uni Koblenz-Landau

We are inviting applications for a scientist position in ecotoxicology with the possibility to finish a PhD at the Institute for Environmental Sciences of University of Koblenz-Landau.

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A perfect mix of science, management & policy at the International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species

In this post, Verena Sesin shares her visit at the International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS) in Montreal from October 27-31, 2019, a forum for new and emerging issues related to invasive species in aquatic environments.

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Open position for Pollinator Study Director at tier3

The research organization tier3 solutions is hiring a study director for pollinator and ecotoxicology residue studies in Leverkusen, Germany.

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Improved pesticide effect prediction of low toxicant concentrations

In this post, Matthias Liess introduces their recently published paper “Predicting low-concentration effects of pesticides”.

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Biodiversity crisis in agricultural landscapes: Caused by insufficient testing of pesticides?

In this post, Carsten Brühl discusses their recently published paper “Biodiversity decline as an inappropriate environmental risk assessment of pesticides”.

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Are flower-visiting insects sufficiently protected by the European pesticide risk assessment?

In this post, Philipp Uhl talks about their recently published paper “The Impact of Pesticides on Flower‐Visiting Insects: A Review with Regard to European Risk Assessment”.

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MSc theses in the working groups “Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology” & “Ecotoxicology & Environment”

We are looking for students for the project “Looking back: Development of exposure and effect data for new chemicals over time”.

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PostDoc position in crop pest modelling at ZALF

The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) near Berlin is hiring a PostDoc researcher for modelling of crop pest dynamics.

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