Author Archives: MS

My start in Landau

In this post, our new student blogger Adnan says hello. Continue reading

Successful Start Scholarship awarded to Ecotox student

Every year applicants from abroad who are accepted on one of our international master’s programs – like Ecotoxicology – can apply for a Successful Start Scholarship. Continue reading

Welcome to our new international Ecotox students!

A few weeks ago, the winter semester started. And we were happy to welcome many new international students on campus Landau – including 18 Ecotox students. Continue reading

AMEO 2016 Part II: AhR mediated Toxicity of PFOS and other POPs in cell cultures @ Örebro University

To get some practical work experience, the students of MSc. Ecotoxicology have to perform an eight-week internship at an institute/organization of their choice, named AMOE. In this post, I will give you an inside view of my research work at the University of Örebro (Sweden). Continue reading

International Tips for Moving to Germany: Renting, Banking and “Handy’s”

Student blogger Kym provides international students that are moving to Germany to participate in Master’s of Ecotoxicology in Landau with a few things that might make the transition easier.

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AMEO 2016 Part I: Wildlife Monitoring & Freshwater Ecotox


For my semester colleagues and me, it is time to spread our wings to perform an internship at another university department, an agency or a company, in Germany or abroad. This first part will provide impressions from my studies on wildlife monitoring in Denmark and Stefan’s AMEO on effects of pesticides in Romania. Continue reading

Have you ever wondered how long it takes your body to get rid of your every morning’s caffeine dose?

In this post, student bloggers Lara and Kati report on their uniqe and exciting first-hand experiences during their Toxicology Lab Course.  Continue reading

Into the Working World! – Join the foto competition!

The Welcome Center is starting another round of the competition for the best depiction of your experiences in the working world. Students on the master’s programs in Ecotoxicology or Environmental Sciences can share their internship experiences and win attractive prizes. Continue reading

Join the International Dance Party!

Yaaay, the first of its kind international dance party in Landau! The international community in Landau is growing fast. In a bid to exchange native culture and values, a group of Ecotox and Environmental Sciences students decided to host a party where internationals can showcase music and dance steps from their country in a creative way. Continue reading

Courses offered in English by IPZ

Interesting news for all Ecotoxicology PhD students! The IPZ (Interdisciplinary Graduate Center) has published their new course program for summer semester 2016! They offer many interesting sessions for PhD students at both campuses – some of the courses are taught in English and might be especially interesting for international PhD students or those who would like to improve their academic English skills. Continue reading