Tag Archives: welcome center

Join the International Dance Party!

Yaaay, the first of its kind international dance party in Landau! The international community in Landau is growing fast. In a bid to exchange native culture and values, a group of Ecotox and Environmental Sciences students decided to host a party where internationals can showcase music and dance steps from their country in a creative way. Continue reading

Courses offered in English by IPZ

Interesting news for all Ecotoxicology PhD students! The IPZ (Interdisciplinary Graduate Center) has published their new course program for summer semester 2016! They offer many interesting sessions for PhD students at both campuses – some of the courses are taught in English and might be especially interesting for international PhD students or those who would like to improve their academic English skills. Continue reading

Transatlantic Summer Academy on Sustainability 2016

Transatlantic Summer Academy 2016 in Bremen, organized by InterCulture gGmbH and Jacobs University Bremen – Experience new approaches in resolving ecological issues, work and live in a German‒US-American group of young people and explore sustainability from an intercultural perspective

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Café Lingua!

IPAS – short for “Intergrative Project for International Students” – proudly presents: Café Lingua for all! Café Lingua is an offer from us to give international students the opportunity to get in touch with locals and vice versa, to talk about your experiences in your trip abroad or just a place to talk in your mother tongue. Continue reading

And the winners are….

The Welcome Center Landau had set a competition for the best depiction of experiences in the working world during the internship which is part of the master’s program in Ecotoxicology. The decision was not an easy one since all contributions included vivid descriptions and great photos of the internships. However, now the winners have been announced. Continue reading

Welcome Days for International Students

October – a new semester, a new academic year and lots of new students beginning their studies in Landau… Every year there are more and more international students who join the university for an exchange semester or for a full degree program. Especially, our international master’s programs in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences are very popular and the numbers of international applicants are rising. Continue reading