In this post, Mirco Bundschuh talks about a recently granted DFG-project “The relevance of the BIOdiversity TO FUNction relationship in heterotrophic aquatic systems under stress” with the unusual acronym “BIO2FUN”.
Tag Archives: PhD thesis
PhD position in Environmental Chemistry at NMBU
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is looking for a PhD student in environmental chemistry to identify and characterize cumulative hazard and risk of complex mixtures and multiple stressors.
PhD position at the University of Koblenz-Landau
The Working Group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” of the University of Koblenz-Landau offers a PhD position in the project “Response of freshwater invertebrates to natural environmental and agricultural stressor gradients across larger scales”.
PhD position on microplastics at SLU
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala offers a PhD position on fate and transport of microplastics in agricultural catchments within the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.
PhD position on plankton ecology and ecotoxicology at UNamur
The Lab of Environmental Ecosystem Ecology of University of Namur, Belgium, is looking for a PhD student investigating coexistence, biodiversity and functioning in plankton communities, including a focus on herbicide effects.
PhD position at WasserCluster Lunz
The limnological research institute WasserCluster Lunz in Austria is looking for a PhD student investigating effects of land use change, climate change and contaminants on benthic microbial activities and organic carbon cycling in streams.
PhD position on model development at UFZ Leipzig
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers a PhD position on model development to predict combined effects of toxicants and environmental stressors within the Department of System Ecotoxicology.
PhD position on nanoparticle characterization at UFZ Leipzig
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers a PhD position on nanoparticle characterization in complex media within the Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry.
16 positions in environmental forensics at Örebro University
The Environmental Forensic Laboratory (EnForce) of Örebro University (Sweden) is recruiting 16 environmental researchers. Available positions (8 Postdocs, 5 PhDs, 2 laboratory technicians, 1 data manager) cover research efforts aiming towards a non-toxic environment.
Several positions (PhD, Postdoc, Technician) at UFZ Leipzig
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers several positions within the project CHEMO-RISK, dealing with chemometers as novel tools for risk assessment of pollutant mixtures.