In this post, Trong Dieu Hien Le talks about their recently published paper “Predicting current and future background ion concentrations in German surface water under climate change”.
Tag Archives: environmental chemistry
PhD & PostDoc opportunities in Chemical Water Monitoring at BfG
The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is hiring 2 PhDs and 2 PostDocs in the field of anorganic and organic chemical water monitoring.
Scientist position in Aquatic Chemistry and Ecotoxicology in Scotland
A job is available as Senior Specialist Scientist in aquatic chemistry and ecotoxicology in Stirling, Scotland.
PostDoc position in Environmental Geochemistry in Mexico
The Marine Resources Department of the Center of Research and Advanced Studies in Merida, Mexico, is looking for a PostDoc in Petroleum Hydrocarbons Environmental Geochemistry.
PhD position in Environmental Chemistry at Umeå University
Umeå University, Sweden, is offering a PhD position in environmental chemistry with focus on toxicokinetic modeling.
PostDoc position in Analytical Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University
The Department of Applied Environmental Science at Stockholm University is offering a PostDoc position in Analytical Environmental Chemistry to study bioaccumulation of essential oils in fish.
PhD position in Environmental Chemistry at NMBU
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is looking for a PhD student in environmental chemistry to identify and characterize cumulative hazard and risk of complex mixtures and multiple stressors.
Open position in Water Chemistry at NLWKN Lüneburg
The Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN) in Lüneburg is looking for a Chemist specialized in water and rivershed management.
Faculty positions in environmental science at Stockholm University
The Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry at Stockholm University is filling three faculty positions in Analytical Chemistry (Prof.), Environmental Chemistry (Assoc. Prof.), and Ecotoxicogenomics (Assist. Prof.).
2-year position in Environmental Chemistry at BfG
The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is hiring a head advisor in environmental chemistry focusing on riversheds and water monitoring for the European project DANUBIUS-RI.