Tag Archives: ecotoxicology

Celebrating 5 Years of the EcotoxBlog: A Platform for Sharing Research and Experiences in Ecotoxicology

Blogs are effective outlets for science communication. We launched the EcotoxBlog in 2015 to foster communication among researchers, to share ecotoxicology news, and to create an opportunity for students to blog about their experiences. Five years later we have reached several milestones – a reason to celebrate!

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SETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 2)

Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Elena Adams and Roy Rajdeep have planned for the conference.

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SETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 1)

Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Sara Goncalves and Ashvini Victor have planned for the conference.

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Modeling Environmental Threshold Levels

In this post, Lara Petschick talks about the recent publication “Modeling Regulatory Threshold Levels for Pesticides in Surface Waters from Effect Databases”, which explains how existing ecotoxicological effect databases can be used to generate high-quality effect thresholds for large-scale environmental risk assessments.

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Graphing Ecotoxicology

In this article, Jakob Wolfram talks about their recent publication “Graphing Ecotoxicology: The MAGIC graph for Linking Environmental Data on Chemicals”. This work detailed how a novel database structure was used to manage, aggregate, and harmonize different environmental databases in order to address large-scale environmental issues.

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