Wageningen University and Research (WUR) is looking for two PhD candidates to study the effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems.
Tag Archives: aquatic ecosystem
Are stress responses similar across different regions?

In this post, Verena Schreiner talks about a recently published paper entitled “Similar recovery time of microbial functions from fungicide stress across biogeographical regions”.
PhD opportunity in Aquatic Ecotoxicology at IMDEA Water Institute in Spain
The Aquatic Ecotoxicology group of the IMDEA Water Institute located in Madrid offers a PhD position on the impacts of global change on the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to chemical stress.
MSc thesis opportunity: Impacts of chemical stressors on the enzyme activity in microbes

We offer a Master thesis on effects of different chemical stressors on the activity of biopolymer-cleaving enzymes in leaf-associated microbial biofilms.
Workshop on DOM characterization: a hike through fluorescence landscapes

In this post, Patrick Baudy reports on his visit at a workshop for the characterization of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (DOM) at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen.
PhD position in ecosystem analysis at Uni Koblenz-Landau
We are looking for a PhD student in ecosystem analysis to evaluate habitat quality, ecosystem services and the impact of chemical stressors in streams and rivers, based at our Eußerthal research facility and campus Landau.
Thesis/RPC opportunity on herbicide toxicity to diatoms

Our group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” offers a thesis or research project course (RPC) to determine the response of diatoms to herbicides using toxicity tests.
Master thesis opportunity in Invertebrate Ecotoxicology

We are offering a master thesis investigating ecotoxicological responses of aquatic invertebrates to wastewater treated with different technologies.
Escaping German winter: A warm visit in Mexico & exciting research options

Mirco Bundschuh shares his experiences after coming back from an interesting visit at a field office of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) as well as the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) in Yucatan, Mexico.
Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 4

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 4 is all about his visit of the Laguna de Madre Dios, where researchers sample water and fish to analyse for pesticide residues originating from upstream banana and pineapple plantations.