PhD and Research Associate positions in Federal Institute for Hydrology

The Federal Institute for Hydrology invites applications for the positions of PhD and Research Associate (PostDoc) under a project focussing on water pollution.

PhD position in project ‘SOURCE’

As part of a research project named “SOURCE (Identification of pollutant sources in federal waterways) in the department of Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology , the Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG) invites applications for a PhD position. The position starts on 01.01.2023 and is limited until 31.12.2025. The workplace is in Koblenz.

The candidate will develop approaches to data analysis and modeling of toxic
effects of chemical mixtures. This supports the development of effect-directed
methods for identifying the pollutants responsible for ecotoxicological effects and their
entry sources in federal waterways.

Roles and responsibilities under the position include (but is not limited to):-

  1. Implementation and evaluation of effect models for chemicals and
    chemical mixtures.
  2. Conception, planning and implementation of data mining and machine learning approaches.
  3. Creation of a suitable system architecture for collecting data on properties and
    effects of chemicals.
  4. (Further) development of analysis tools for the prediction and presentation of toxic
    effects of mixtures of substances.

The candidate should hold a university diploma or a master’s degree in biology, bioinformatics, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, informatics, environmental sciences, geoecology or a related qualification.

Application is to be sumitted online via the link – (Please use the tender reference code – 20221178_0002 while submitting the application)

In case of any questions, please contact Dr. Magnus Dau (Tel.: 0261 1306-5426, oder Dr. Andreas Schüttler (Tel.: 0261 1306-5446,

Application deadline: 08.07.2022

For more information on the job posting, please refer to the attached document:-

PostDoc position in project ‘SOURCE’

As part of a research project named “SOURCE (Identification of pollutant sources in federal waterways) in the department of Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology , the Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG) invites applications for the position of a Research Associate. The position starts on 01.01.2023 and is limited until 31.12.2025. Workplace is in Koblenz.

The focus of the work is in the area of ecotoxicological characterization of environmental samples using a wide range of in-vivo and in-vitro methods, partly in direct combination with HPTLC.

Roles and responsibilities under the position include (but is not limited to):-

  1. (Further) development of methods for effect-directed analysis for the identification of pollutants in BWStr.
  2. Further development of planar in vitro test methods
  3. Design, implementation and evaluation of in-vivo and in-vitro methods for
    ecotoxicological characterization of aquatic environmental samples.
  4. Conception, planning and implementation of sampling and laboratory experiments.
  5. Technical support for the research of doctoral and master’s students

The candidate should hold a university diploma or a master’s degree with a specialisation in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, geoecology or any other related qualification.

Application is to be sumitted online via the link – (Please use the tender reference code – 20221244_0002 while submitting the application)

In case of any questions, please contact Dr. Sebastian Buchinger (Tel.: 0261 1306-5316) oder Dr. Georg Reifferscheid (Tel.: 0261 1306-5176).

For more information on the job posting, please refer to the attached document:-