Our former Senior Editor and Social Media Manager Ve, Dr. Verena Sesin, is engaging in new challenges in her professional career. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
Most of you probably know Ve (Dr. Verena Sesin) as the Senior Editor and Social Media Manager of the EcotoxBlog. Ve has recently succeeded in defending her PhD thesis, thus moving forward with her professional career. Unfortunately this means that she no longer has the time to work for the EcotoxBlog. As a farewell and token of my appreciation, I want to give a quick rundown on her path of becoming an ecotoxicologist and editor for the EcotoxBlog.

Ve started out as a BA student for Science Journalism and did her MSc in Ecotoxicology here in Landau at the Institute for Environmental Sciences. During that time, in 2015, she started as a student blogger and with her graduation she was promoted to Senior Editor and Social Media Manager in 2017. From that point onward, she began her PhD thesis, “Assessing effects and fate of environmental contaminants in invasive, native, and endangered macrophytes”, at Trent University in Canada. More so, she was also actively involved in the Early Career Committee and Plants IG Steering Committee at SETAC. Due to her networking personality, interest and proficiency in science communication, hard-working attitude, and deeply-rooted interest in ecotoxicology, she was a perfect fit for the Ecotoxblog. Thus, we will dearly miss you Ve but are also very proud of your professional prospects that you have now acquired through your hard work and loving personality. We wish you all the best!
Yours thankfully,
The EcotoxBlog