Category Archives: Thesis/Job opportunities

PhD position on mechanistic effect model development in the EU project SYBERAC

Universitäat Osnabrück logo

The Environmental Systems Modelling Department of the Mathematics / Computer
Science / Physics
faculty at Osnabrück University is recruiting a research assistant for a PhD position on mechanistic effect model development in the EU project SYBERAC to start on 01.07.2024 limited until 31.12.2027.

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Assistant Professor in Ecosystem Ecology for modelling adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress

Umea University Logo

Umeå University’s Department of Ecology and Environmental Science and IceLab are jointly opening a position for an assistant professor in Ecosystem Ecology linked to IceLab’s new Center for modelling adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress.

Application deadline: 29th of April

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Pharm-ERA offers 10 PhD positions

Ten doctoral positions are offered within the HORIZON Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network Pharm-ERA: “Improving monitoring and Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals, antimicrobial resistance, and pathogens from terrestrial to aquatic environments”.

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