Author Archives: Ve

Ecotox Facilities III: Landau Stream Mesocosm Facility

In this series of posts, we present you some of the equipment and facilities we use to assess the fate and environmental impacts of chemical stressors. This time: The Landau Stream Mesocosm Facility.

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Management matters: higher ant biodiversity per area in organic agriculture

In this post, Carsten Brühl explains the background of the new paper “Management matters: A comparison of ant assemblages in organic and conventional vineyards” with colleagues from Florence, Italy.

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2 PostDoc positions at University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg is currently offering two PostDoc positions in ecotoxicology and chemical risk assessment in its Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences.

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Large scale risks from agricultural pesticides in small streams

In this post, Ralf Schäfer talks about their recently published paper “Large scale risks from agricultural pesticides in small streams”.

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Visit at the 13th student meeting “Ecology and Behaviour”

Carsten Brühl provides his impressions of his visit at the 13th student meeting “Ecology and Behaviour” at the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques in Chizé, France.

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Impact of repeated pulse exposures on damselfly larvae

In this post, Alexander Feckler informs about their recently published paper “Repeated pulse exposures to lambda-cyhalothrin affect the behavior, physiology, and survival of the damselfly larvae Ischnura graellsii (Insecta; Odonata)”.

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Resilience in the context of ecotoxicology

In this post we talk about a critical review entitled “Resilience in Ecotoxicology – towards a multiple equilibrium concept”.

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Open position in Water Chemistry at NLWKN Lüneburg

The Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN) in Lüneburg is looking for a Chemist specialized in water and rivershed management.

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PhD position at the University of Koblenz-Landau

The Working Group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” of the University of Koblenz-Landau offers a PhD position in the project “Response of freshwater invertebrates to natural environmental and agricultural stressor gradients across larger scales”.

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PhD position on microplastics at SLU

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala offers a PhD position on fate and transport of microplastics in agricultural catchments within the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

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