Author Archives: Ve

Catching up with peers at the 2nd IIES Graduate Students Forum Asia

In this post, Verena Sesin talks about her visit at the 2nd IIES Graduate Students Forum Asia themed “Soil Contamination & Remediation and Water Contamination & Management” in Hong Kong from November 1-3, 2018.

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International Grad Student Online Lecture: Share your environmental research

Share your environmental research with an international audience by joining the “International Graduate Student Lecture Series 2019”, organized by the International Institute for Environmental Studies and the Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University. This online lecture series is open to any graduate student – submit your abstract until November 24th, 2018.

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PhD & PostDoc opportunities in Chemical Water Monitoring at BfG

The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is hiring 2 PhDs and 2 PostDocs in the field of anorganic and organic chemical water monitoring.

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PhD opportunity in Analytical Chemistry at VU Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers a PhD position in analytical chemistry with focus on human health and exposure assessment, embedded in their graduate program on Antimicrobial Research and Resistance.

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PhD opportunity in Aquatic Ecotoxicology at IMDEA Water Institute in Spain

The Aquatic Ecotoxicology group of the IMDEA Water Institute located in Madrid offers a PhD position on the impacts of global change on the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to chemical stress.

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Permanent position in Environmental Chemistry at BfG

The German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) is hiring a chemist with expertise in environmental analysis, isotope chemistry or radiochemistry, to join their radiology and water monitoring department.

For more details, please see the official job posting (only in German).

PhD opportunity in Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Our working group Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology is looking for a PhD student to work on the DFG-funded project “The relevance of the BIOdiversity TO FUNction relationship in heterotrophic aquatic systems under stress (BIO2FUN)”.

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Get to know our STAIR program for international students on October 31st

STAIR has lots to offer! We will introduce the project aiming at preparing international master students for the German job market and introduce LinkedIn in a session at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus, on 31 October 2018.

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Insect decline & suggested political countermeasures – bring in your ideas!

In this post, Carsten Brühl provides some background on a new program for insect conservation by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), where he chaired a workshop on pesticide reduction.

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Free IIES E-Course: Environmental & Human Health Risk Assessment

The International Institute for Environmental Studies (IIES) offers a free e-course entitled “Environmental & Human Health Risk Assessment”, running every Wednesday from October 24, 2018, to January 16, 2019.

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