The documentary made by a Canadian team is the first of its kind that summarises the ecological impact of Bti use in mosquito control and also reflects on associated costs and benefits for the people. The video is now available on YouTube with subtitles of any language, so that everyone can watch and understand it.
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International Online Autumn Academy on Spatial Ecotoxicology and Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment
From August 1 to October 31, 2020, the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau will host its “International Online Autumn Academy on Spatial Ecotoxicology and Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment – Using an Open Community Approach”.
Continue reading2 PhD positions in Bioanalytical and Mechanistic Ecotoxicology at Masaryk University
The RECETOX Centre of Masaryk University in the Czech Republic offers two PhD positions in bioanalytical and mechanistic environmental toxicology within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network “Best chemical risk assessment professionals for maximum Ecosystem Services benefit (PRORISK)”.
Continue readingPhD position in Ecological Modelling at Eawag/ETH Zürich
The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) and ETH Zürich jointly offer a PhD position in ecological modelling of processes that affect community assembly and the occurrence of stream macroinvertebrates.
Continue reading2 PhD positions in Aquatic Ecotoxicology of rare earth elements at HAW Hamburg
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) is offering two PhD positions to study the ecotoxicology of rare earth elements in aquatic organisms.
Continue readingPosition as Ecotoxicologist at AGES in Austria
The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) is hiring an expert in ecotoxicology of crop protection products.
Continue readingCelebrating 5 Years of the EcotoxBlog: A Platform for Sharing Research and Experiences in Ecotoxicology
Blogs are effective outlets for science communication. We launched the EcotoxBlog in 2015 to foster communication among researchers, to share ecotoxicology news, and to create an opportunity for students to blog about their experiences. Five years later we have reached several milestones – a reason to celebrate!
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Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Ralf. B. Schäfer, Alexander Feckler, and Eric Bollinger have planned for the conference.
Continue readingSETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 2)
Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Elena Adams and Roy Rajdeep have planned for the conference.
Continue readingSETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 1)
Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Sara Goncalves and Ashvini Victor have planned for the conference.
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