Author Archives: MS

Summer Academy 2015 is over – a review

On the last weekend, the Summer Academy ended. In this post, we want to share some experiences and insights.
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Welcome Days for International Students

October – a new semester, a new academic year and lots of new students beginning their studies in Landau… Every year there are more and more international students who join the university for an exchange semester or for a full degree program. Especially, our international master’s programs in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sciences are very popular and the numbers of international applicants are rising. Continue reading

Summer Academy 2015 #1

Well our International Summer Academy on Spatial Ecotoxicology and Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment has started off with a bang!  Continue reading

University T-Shirts travelling around the world!

Are you planning on visiting friends or family abroad? Are you travelling around Germany or will be spending your holidays in a foreign country? Then don’t forget to pack a University T-Shirt.

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Alumni keep in touch…

During the summer many students will finish their studies. And the next career building step awaits them. The possibilities vary from working in a company or office to becoming a PhD candidate. Decisions need to made – pursuing a career outside the academic world or deepening your knowledge in your field of interest at university? Or perhaps starting your own business? A multitude of options… Continue reading

Become a Student Tutor!

The International Office and IPAS (Integrative Project for International Students) are looking for students who would like to support newly arriving international students at the beginning of the winter semester. Continue reading

SETAC Barcelona 2015!

¡Hola! A few weeks ago, I presented a poster of my research project results at the 25th annual SETAC conference. Continue reading

Competition for 2nd-semester-Ecotox students!

From Campus Landau into the working world! Competition for the best description of internship experiences

The Welcome Center is starting a competition for the best depiction of your experiences in the working world during your internship on the master’s program in Ecotoxicology.

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“Presentation Skills” course for PhD candidates

The IPZ (the Interdisciplinary Graduate Center) offers a workshop on presentation skills in June. Continue reading

Welcome to the Welcome Center!

Today I would like to present the Welcome Center Landau – the main central point of contact for international students here in Landau.

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