Author Archives: MS

6th Annual SETAC YES Meeting II – Presentations, Panels and Pub Crawls

Last post, Kym reported on the first day of the SETAC YES Meeting (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’s Young Environmental Scientists Meeting); the second and third days of the meeting consisted inter alia of the student platform and poster presentations. Continue reading

6th Annual SETAC YES Meeting I – Insects and Teaching

In this post, student blogger Kym reports about their visit to the YES Meeting.
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Funding options for international PhD students and researchers

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Center of the University of Koblenz-Landau is happy to announce funding options for international PhD students and researchers who are currently studying or undertaking research at the university. Continue reading

Transatlantic Summer Academy on Sustainability 2016

Transatlantic Summer Academy 2016 in Bremen, organized by InterCulture gGmbH and Jacobs University Bremen – Experience new approaches in resolving ecological issues, work and live in a German‒US-American group of young people and explore sustainability from an intercultural perspective

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Fundraising for student trips to SETAC

In this post, Kym reports about their bake sale as a fundraiser for their trips to the SETAC Europe AM.

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Christmas in Germany, Weihnachten?!

In this post, student blogger Kym shares her experiences gathered on German christmas markets. Continue reading

Semester Program of the KHG

Every semester the KHG (Catholic student community) organises a lot of events for students. All events are open to all students – no matter their faith or belief. Continue reading

Café Lingua!

IPAS – short for “Intergrative Project for International Students” – proudly presents: Café Lingua for all! Café Lingua is an offer from us to give international students the opportunity to get in touch with locals and vice versa, to talk about your experiences in your trip abroad or just a place to talk in your mother tongue. Continue reading

German Language Classes

During the semester the Language Center offers German classes for international students of 4 hours per week. In order to estimate the language level of the participants, they will hold a placement test. Any student who would like to join one of the classes is welcome to join the placement test. Continue reading

And the winners are….

The Welcome Center Landau had set a competition for the best depiction of experiences in the working world during the internship which is part of the master’s program in Ecotoxicology. The decision was not an easy one since all contributions included vivid descriptions and great photos of the internships. However, now the winners have been announced. Continue reading