Author Archives: Danisa Lione

Journey from Geologist to Ecotoxicologist

Danielle conducting ecotox tests in lab in Brazil

I am Danielle Siqueira, a master’s student in Environmental Pollution Management (Ecotoxicology). I would like to tell you about my studies and career, and how I as a geologist, became a study director of chronic tests with honeybees.

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Vacancy: Chemical Hazard Indicators Scientist at UFZ


The Department of Cell Toxicology, at The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), invites applications for 4 full-time positions over 24 months as Scientists on Chemical Hazard Indicators “toxicity and persistent toxicity” with new approach methodologies.

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How algae and fungi team up to nourish aquatic invertebrates

Figure for how algae and fungi team up to nourish aquatic invertebrates

In this blog post, Alexander Feckler and his colleagues explore the role of autochthonous primary production for the quality of microbially-colonized leaf material as food in heterotrophic food web in headwater streams. Despite reduced autochthonous primary production in shaded headwater streams, this study indicated a potential for enhanced secondary production and energy transfer to higher trophic levels within the aquatic ecosystem due to so-called “algal priming”.

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Postdoc Fellow in Environmental Science

University of Stockholm Logo

The Department of Environmental Science at Stockholm University has an open Postdoc position on the Biodiversa+ project DESTRESS (DEciphering temporal trends and safe operating spaces for river biodiversity within the context of multiple STRESSors)

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Vacancy: Environmental Modeller and Data Scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen

University Duisburg Essen logo

As part of the Research Alliance Ruhr, the Research Center One Health Ruhr at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) on the Essen Campus, Department of Ecotoxicology, is looking for a researcher as Environmental Modeller and Data Scientist

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PhD Position on Transport and Transformation of Urban Micropollutants

CNRS logo

The French National Centre for Scientific Research has an open PhD position on Transport and Transformation of Urban Micropollutants: emissions and fate in urban receiving environments under extreme hydro-climatic conditions, in Strasbourg.

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Ecotox Lab Chronicles: summer semester starts with Daphnia testing

Student at a controlled temperature room checking the Daphnids

At the end of April, the 2023/2024 cohort of the Ecotox master’s programme started the summer semester with a week-long ecotoxicology lab. Master student Jule Stern tells us about their experience.

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PhD position on mechanistic effect model development in the EU project SYBERAC

Universitäat Osnabrück logo

The Environmental Systems Modelling Department of the Mathematics / Computer
Science / Physics
faculty at Osnabrück University is recruiting a research assistant for a PhD position on mechanistic effect model development in the EU project SYBERAC to start on 01.07.2024 limited until 31.12.2027.

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PhD Researcher in Mixture Toxicology and Modelling


The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is offering a PhD position as Researcher in Mixture Toxicology and Modelling within the Department of Ecotoxicology in Leipzig.

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3 Master Thesis opportunities at Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station

Eusserthal Ecosystem Research Station Logo

Three master thesis opportunities are being offered at Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station within the project POLYRAS (POLyculture Recirculatory Aquaculture System)

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