SystemLink summer internship – Miyako Briggs (2024)

Today, Miyako tells us about her summer internship at RPTU Landau with SystemLink, organized through the DAAD RISE program.

Hello! My name is Miyako, and this summer I worked as a summer intern for SystemLink, researching and studying aquatic-terrestrial linkages with soil samples collected in 2023 from the RSM (Riparian Stream Mesocosm). Originally from Morrisville, North Carolina, I am studying Biochemistry and German at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (go heels!). 

The DAAD RISE program

I was introduced to the DAAD RISE program by another student in my bachelor program, who had completed an internship in Germany. The internship provided a perfect opportunity to combine my interests into one fulfilling experience abroad. For my application, I selected three research programs that interested me the most and wrote separate motivation letters for each, which I then submitted with my transcript, recommendation letter, and other documents to the DAAD.

With other RISE interns at RPTU Kaiserslautern.
The picture shows five people on a scenic spot with fields and towns in the background
With other RISE interns at RPTU Kaiserslautern

To students applying to any DAAD program, I would encourage them to give themselves ample time to prepare their documents and write their application, so they have time to receive feedback and do not fall under a time crunch. Sometimes, I was unsure of where to start when writing a letter, so I would fall back on my peers for help. This tip has carried over to my time in Landau—reaching out to others when you have a question or are stuck. 

Life and lab in Landau

That process led me to Landau, where I have been for almost three months. Before coming here, I knew little about ecotoxicology and the quantitative aspects of pollutant transfer through an ecosystem. Working under my supervisor, Franziska Fiolka, I learned a lot about sample collection and preparation when visiting the impressive RSM and other, more hidden sampling sites along the Queich. This, along with meeting the other SystemLink PhD students and Master students were some of the highlights of my internship. From my interactions and conversations with them, I learned even more about ecotoxicology, research, and German culture. It complimented the many hours I spent in the lab with my designated 200 soil samples, sorting, freeze-drying, and weighing them to prepare them for an HPLC-MS/MS analysis. Within the lab, learning to be responsible and attentive to all the samples to prevent cross-contamination and mislabelling were skills I quickly learned. Although there were a couple of inevitable mistakes along the way, this experience well-prepared me for future research and lab work. 

The picture shows Miyako hiking by the Hambacher Schloss
Miyako hiking by the Hambacher Schloss

Apart from the lab, I trekked around Europe and Germany. Landau’s proximity to other countries and cities is very convenient when seeking places to visit over the weekend or on a free day. I enjoyed hiking through the Palatinate Forest, exploring historic towns like Worms, or having a Kaffee und Kuchen on a nice afternoon. In the US, public transportation is widely unavailable, so although the Deutsche Bahn falls short on punctuality, it connects Germany with greater Europe in a way that feels euphoric for an American.  

Looking ahead

Upon returning to the US, I will continue my bachelor’s for two more years, but in that time, I look forward to pursue more opportunities in the field of ecotoxicology that will connect my studies in Biochemistry with my ongoing passion for sustainability. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity DAAD, SystemLink, Franzi, and Prof. Dr. Schulz have given me to work at RPTU because it has shown me an academic path that I would like to further explore. After graduating college, I hope to return to Germany, possibly for graduate school or under DAAD’s RISE Professional program to continue gathering research and working experience abroad. For those who are graduate students here in Germany, they can apply to research abroad through RISE Worldwide, which provides them with funding for their research projects.  

Six months ago, I would have never imagined myself sitting, here writing this post to reminisce about a summer in Germany. The time has truly flown, but Landau will always have a place in my heart. Ich danke euch für alles! 

The picture shows five people smiling for a picture in front of a local bar at Landau
Out at night with ecotox master students