Tag Archives: terrestrial agroecosystem

Postdoc on characterization of insect fluxes from aquatic to terrestrial agricultural environments

Logo Ecobio Rennes

The University of Rennes has an open Postdoc position for 18 months on the characterization of aquatic insect fluxes from temporary aquatic to terrestrial agricultural environments in Brittany, France.

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Updated article: Insects in nature reserves are contaminated with a cocktail of pesticides

Update 02.03.2022 – Here is a link to a new video of the study on insects contaminated with a mix of pesticides in nature reserves.

Video 1: A new video of the study on insects contaminated with a mix of pesticides in nature reserves. (Credits: C. Brühl)

In this blog post Carsten Brühl explains the background and findings of their paper on pesticide residues measured on insect samples from nature conservation areas in Germany published in Scientific reports.

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Glyphosate spray drift reduces numbers of inflorescences

In this blogpost, Moritz Link reports how spray drift deposition of the herbicide glyphosate on a mixture of perennial non-target terrestrial plants was simulated and measured. Plant cover and number of open, pollen-producing inflorescences were recorded before and after the exposure event to determine sub-lethal herbicide effects.

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SystemLink – a new large multidisciplinary and multiyear project on aquatic-terrestrial interfaces and anthropogenic stress

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The champagne glasses have not yet been cleaned and the headaches are slowly about to vanish as we realise that we managed to get funding for a new large project starting in October 2019 in Landau!

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