The Department of Environmental Science at the University of Stockholm is organizing a colloquium on combined effects of multiple stressors.
Continue readingTag Archives: ecosystem
STRESSED-OUT! A colloquium on combined effects of multiple stressors on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

The Department of Environmental Science at the University of Stockholm is organizing a colloquium on combined effects of multiple stressors.
Continue readingJunior Professor position in Ecosystem Analysis and Simulation at Uni Bayreuth
The University of Bayreuth is hiring a Junior Professor in ecosystem analysis and simulation of terrestrial ecosystems.
Continue readingPhD position in microplastics at Uni Bayreuth
University of Bayreuth is offering a PhD position to investigate biological effects of microplastics from biodegradable plastics in freshwater invertebrates.
Continue readingFundamentals of Ecosystem Ecology short course in Millbrook, NY in January 2019
The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is offering a short course on “Fundamentals of Ecosystem Ecology” in Millbrook, NY from January 3-16, 2019, designed to provide an intensive overview of ecosystem ecology for graduate and upper level undergraduate students in ecology, environmental studies and related fields.
How can we predict the effect of multiple stressors?

In this post, Ralf Schäfer reports on their recently published paper “Advancing understanding and prediction in multiple stressor research through a mechanistic basis for null models”.
4 PhD positions at UFZ
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig is offering four PhD positions in the project “Proxies of the eco-exposome” to assess the impact of environmental chemicals on the ecosystem.