Tag Archives: Adams

Year in Review – Part 2

In the second installment of the ‘Year in Review’ series, we give our readers a glimpse of 3 most visited posts in the year 2021. 

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Amphibians are at risk from pesticides in agricultural landscapes

In this post, Christoph Leeb and Elena Adams summarize three new papers on the effects of pesticides on amphibians, which will inform ongoing developments of pesticide testing and environmental risk assessment strategies in the European Union.

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Fungicide exposure induces sensitivity differences in aquatic life stages of frogs

In this post, Carsten Brühl and Elena Adams explain the background to their new published paper on amphibian sensitivity at different aquatic life stages and acute effects from aquatic fungicide exposure.

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SETAC SciCon: Spotlight on our presentations (Part 2)

Our research at University of Koblenz-Landau is going virtual at SETAC SciCon! In this three-part blog series, we highlight several poster and platform presentations of our researchers: Today, find out what Elena Adams and Roy Rajdeep have planned for the conference.

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MSc thesis opportunity in amphibian reproductive fitness at Uni Koblenz-Landau

We are offering a MSc thesis opportunity in reproductive fitness of common toads in agricultural and natural landscapes in our Working Group “Community Ecology and Ecotoxicology” at University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus.

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New Amphibian Ecotoxicology project funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation

In this post, Elena Adams is presenting her new project “The impact of pesticides on amphibians – Effects of environmentally relevant pesticide mixtures and formulations on German Anura” for which she received a doctoral scholarship of the German Federal Environmental Foundation.

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